Korfmacher, Anne. Fan Podcasts: Rewatch, Recap, Review. Routledge, 2024.
Journal Articles
Korfmacher, Anne. “Creative Textual Amplification: Fan Commentary Podcasts as Participatory Culture.” Anglistik, vol. 33, no. 2, 2022, pp. 199-212.
Euritt, Alyn and Anne Korfmacher.” ‘And if we don’t stop him, I don’t know who will’: recoding intimacy in My Dad Wrote a Porno.” Porn Studies, 2021. DOI: 10.1080/23268743.2021.1978311.
Euritt, Alyn and Anne Korfmacher. “Intimität und Zeitlichkeit der Podcast-Kommentarform: Am Beispiel von My Dad Wrote a Porno.” kommunikation@gesellschaft, Sonderausgabe „Senden, Hören, Teilen: Podcasts und digitale Audiokultur[en]“, vol. 21, no. 2, 2020.
Korfmacher, Anne. “Reviewing Pornography: Asserting Sexual Agency on Girls on Porn.” genderforum, no. 77, 2020.
Euritt, Alyn, Anne Korfmacher and Dario Llinares. “Introduction: Podcasting’s Listening Publics.” Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, vol. 18, no. 1, 2021, p. 6. 18-01-18-euritt.pdf (
Korfmacher, Anne and Julia Ditter. “Schwarzwald Tourism: ‘Go to Baden and – Live.'” In The Victorians and the Black Forest, edited by Barbara Korte and Stephanie Lethbridge, University of Freiburg, 2017. DOI:
Talks & Presentations
“Prompting Pleasures: The Rise of AI Generated Fanfiction”, BrAIve New Worlds? Literature in the Age of Artificial Intelligence – Concepts, Genres, and Model Interpretations, Centre for the Study of Culture, Graz, 19 – 21.06.2025
“‘An Accurate Portrayal of England’ – Resounding Englishness in the Archers Podcast DumTeeDum“, BritCult 2022: British Identities Medialised, University of Salzburg, 17. – 19.11.2022
“Researching Podcasts: Fan Podcasts & How to Engage your Audience”, Podcasting for Early Career Researchers, ECR Research and Knowledge Exchange Development, University of Brighton, 10.11.2021.
“Creative Textual Amplification and Fan Commentary on The Fawlty Towers Podcast”, Anglistentag 2021, Panel: Active Audiences, Fans, and Participatory Culture: Reciprocal Communication and Creativity, 19. – 22.09.2021.
“Remembering the Future – Queer Temporalities in Natasha Pulley’s Neo-Victorian Novels”, Victorian Inclusion and Exclusion, Victorian Popular Fiction Association, 13th Annual Conference, 14 – 16. 07.2021
“Fan Commentary Podcasts”, Emerging Research in Podcast Studies, International Virtual Graduate Symposium, 19.02.2021
“Fan Commentary Podcasts – ‘Scene-By-Scene, Almost Line-By-Line'”, Poster Presentation, Fan Studies Network North America Virtual Conference 2020, 13. – 17.10.2020
“Podcasting Erotica: Comedic Commentary in the British Podcast My Dad Wrote a Porno“, Podcasting Poetics, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, 11. – 12.10.2019
“‘I can tell an Indian when I see one’: Deconstructing ‘Indianness’ in Der Schuh des Manitu and Green Grass, Running Water“, The Genres of Genre: SANAS Conference in Lausanne, 01. – 03.11.2018
“‘I will not enact Eternity for them’: Confronting Anthropocentrism in Le Guin’s ‘Direction of the Road'”, Myth and Fantasy in the Anthropocene: International Conference in Brno, 03. – 05.10.2018
“‘When you get what you want, you feel great!’ – Gender Negotiation in the Podcast My Dad Wrote a Porno“, Pop Hero and Action Princess? Negotiating Gender in Popular Culture: Student Conference in Münster, 12. – 13.01.2018