
My teaching focus is English literature and culture from the 18th to the 21st century.

Teacher Training & Teaching Development

“Hochschuldidaktische Grundlagen”, 23.09.2024, University of Graz

“Lehre in Zeiten von ChatGPT und Co.”, 10.09.2024, University of Graz

B.A. minor in Educational Science and Educational Management

Additional training courses

“The Place of History in Cultural Studies”, 2-day online training seminar, offered by the German Association for the Study of British Cultures (BritCult)

Undergraduate courses taught (Proseminare)

Introduction to Literary Studies I, University of Graz (winter ’24/25)

Textual Poachers, Exploring Fan Cultures, University of Graz (winter ’24/25)

Close Readings, Close Listenings: Approaching Podcasts, University of Cologne (winter ’21/22)

Exploring Gothic Spaces, University of Cologne (summer ’20, winter ’20/21)


Introduction to Literary Studies, University of Freiburg (summer ’17, summer ’18, winter ’18/19)

Introduction to Cultural Studies, University of Freiburg (winter ’16/17)

Invited guest teaching

“Recapping Transmedia Storyworlds in Fan Podcasts“ (University of Cologne, English Seminar I) in the seminar „PSSP: New Golden Age TV: Crimes and Other Disasters“ (course by Verena Wurth)

Session on Podcasts as Serial Medium (University of Freiburg, English Department) in the seminar „From Print to Podcast: Seriality in a Transhistorical and Transmedial Perspective“ (course by Nicole Falkenhayner)